COSEE-TEK sponsored three Teacher Technology Experiences (TTE’s) this summer, each was lead by researchers at the University of Connecticut’s Department of Marine Sciences and highlighted their research program and the technologies they use to study the ocean. Teachers and informal educators were actively involved in the field research, sample collection and analysis of data. All of the data and resources from each TTE including field photos, water quality data, and presentations are accessible for education resource development via Google Docs (click here). By providing full access to the broad sweep of data collected via Google Docs, we encourage the creation of new resources and expect this collection to grow with time.
In addition, some resources have been developed by COSEE-TEK and collaborators to address specific themes in ocean science and technology. Resources include (or will include) interactive maps of field sites, lesson plans for high school education, classroom activities, slideshows of highlight photos, video clips and instruction manuals. Please click the links below or on the left to access all of the existing resources under specific categories.
Teachers who are interested in contributing to COSEE-TEK are encouraged to follow the activities on our website, explore resources developed, and contact us for future opportunities.
For the collaborative Acoustics Teacher Technology Experience (TTE) with American School for the Deaf (ASD), COSEE-TEK staff designed a new do-it-yourself hydrophone based upon the design by Vivas and Lopez presented in this manuscript entitled "Construction, calibration, and field test of a home-made, low-cost hydrophone system for cetacean acoustic research" (2014). This design is low-cost, effective and simpler than previous designs, using a piezo-electric element potted with epoxy in a simple housing to record the sound. The DIY hydrophone project has evolved with design improvements, refined methods, and increased collaboration with community colleges and the Marine Technology for Teachers and Students (MaTTS) program at University of Rhode Island.
COSEE-TEK has sponsored two Ocean Science and Technology Days at the Mystic Aquarium that provide scientists the opportunity to broaden the impact of their science to over 3500 visitors annually. COSEE-TEK worked with UConn’s Department of Marine Science to develop 10 exhibits and demonstrations that featured ocean science and the technologies. Post visit surveys have indicated that visitors really enjoyed interacting with the scientists and having hands-on opportunities with the technologies. Click here to download the brochure.
The Best of COSEE Hands-On Activities offers ocean scientists simple, engaging, and easily accessible hands-on activities that will make your presentations to K-12 students, the public, or other non-science audiences more effective. This collection was gathered from across the COSEE Network, with each Center submitting their best hands-on activities.